We are a group of people all around the world but with the same target: reconnect ourself with our true essence. With many years of beautiful journey we learned to use many naturals “tools” coming from Mother Earth. Travelling in many places and knowing many shamans and other awakened people, we also learned about all the energies that are forming our true reality. We don’t want to live only in a spiritual way. All things that we learned we try to apply every moment of our daily life. This website is also a store of all products that we used in these years and that we know that are powerful and helpful tools in this fantastic journey called “life”.

So we would like to share with you any kind of knowledge with all our love and support. In fact we only work with very experienced shamans that know very well all ancestral Mother Earth remedies. Also we are supporting all indigenous people selling them craft products.

So if you are ready for a change in your life,  follow us and we will be very proud and grateful to share all our knowledge and love with you.


”We are here in this reality, in this dimension, in this universe, in this planet to share our love!”


With gratitude


NaturaCurandera Staff

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