Grand Opening of our Traditional Shamanic Center

We are pleased to announce the opening of our traditional Aslepay Shamanic Center, located in Putumayo - Colombia. We have decided after many years of operation to give a definite identity to our retreat model. Aslepay means gratitude in the Quechua language. 

From October 3-14, 2022 we will hold an inauguration retreat with two private ceremonies with the great master Taita Querubín Queta Alvarado. 

Taita Querubín Queta AlvaradoEl Taita Querubin is the main indigenous leader and curaca of the Cofán indigenous community of the Colombian Amazon. Born in the Colombian Amazon in 1913 in San Antonio del Guamuéz in the department of Putumayo. This year will celebrate 109th birthday. He has served as spiritual leader of his community for many years and taught many students the shamanic mastery of the Yagé (among his best students are Taita Humberto Diaz and Taita Gavino Gareta). He has extensive international experience, just to mention a few of them: Seattle partecipation in a human rights conference; Bolivia to advise the Aymara Indigenous Communities on institutional strengthening; United Nations meeting in Seville, Spain, on article 8-J on biological diversity; Geneva, on health policies prepared by the world health organization in 1999 and was a special guest at a meeting of experts on traditional knowledge ( UNCTAD ) in 2000. He also participated in the conference conference on the topic of Peace, Human Rights, and International Humanitarian Law for Colombia, in San José, Costa Rica.

The detailed program is here. This is an eco spiritual resort within the Amazon jungle in Putumayo considered the lung of the Amazon. 

Our mission is to share a life-changing experience in connection with Mother Nature through the wise guidance of ancient traditional shamans with the responsible use of Ayahuasca.

🧡 We work with Local Traditional Shamans.
🧡 Part of our income will be donated for reforestation of the Amazon rainforest.
🧡 We eat what we cultivate!
🧡 Eco-Spiritual Luxury Resort - totally self-sufficient and has zero impact on the environment.


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