Grand Opening of our Traditional Shamanic Center
We are pleased to announce the opening of our traditional Aslepay Shamanic Center, located in Putumayo - Colombia. We have decided after many years of operation to give a definite identity to our retreat model. Aslepay means gratitude in the Quechua language. From October 3-14, 2022 we will hold an inauguration retreat with two private ceremonies with the great master Taita Querubín Queta Alvarado. ... -
What is a Shaman?
At its most basic level, shamanism can be understood as a collection of ancient techniques that help to awaken and expand consciousness, as well as heal humanity’s inner wounds. Shamanism is the practice of connecting to spiritual wisdom for the purpose of healing one’s self and the community. Comparable to figures like ‘the oracle’, ‘sorcerers’ and ‘medicine men/women’, a shaman is seen as a... -
SANANGA an ancestral eye drops
Rapé Snuff Tobacco - Ancestral Shaman Remedy
Rapé is a powerful ancestral shamanic remedy coming from amazon.